Preparing for
Thank you for choosing Agape Allergy & Immunology Associates. Here is everything you need to know to prepare for your appointments.
PLEASE READ our Patient Warning for Appointment and Medications to Stop Prior to an Allergy Test
View and download additional information and instructions for Telehealth Visits
New Patient Appointment Information
Before your first appointment
Stop all antihistamines one week before your first appointment. Click here for a list of antihistamines to stop.
- Antihistamines and decongestants can interfere with testing by blocking the allergic response. In order for us to give you accurate test results, please stop all prescription and over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants prior to your appointment.
- New patients – Please allow at least 2 hours for your testing appointment.
- To save time before your visit, please fill out these new patient forms and bring them with you to your appointment.
Day of appointment
- Please bring your insurance card, photo ID, a referral from your primary care doctor if necessary, and a list of all of your current medications, including creams and inhalers.
- If possible, please wear a short-sleeved shirt or low-backed tank top for easier access during testing.
- Please have your co-payment method available at the time of your visit.
- Allergy testing carries the risk of allergic reactions including anaphylaxis.
- If you are an adult, please DO NOT bring your children to testing appointments. It can be a very scary experience for your children. If you have to be sent to the emergency room, ambulances may not transfer your child with you. If that occurs and another guardian/relative cannot be contacted, we may have to notify authorities.
- If you are a parent accompanying your child to an appointment, please try not to bring other children to your testing appointments. If they have to be sent to the emergency room, ambulances may not be able to transport additional children and you would have to follow in your vehicle.
Routine Follow-Up Appointment
Before your appointment
- Please allow at least 45 minutes for this appointment.
- Please bring with you a list of your current medications, including creams and inhalers.
Follow-Up Testing
Before your appointment
Stop all antihistamines one week before your first appointment. Click here for a list of antihistamines to stop.
- Antihistamines and decongestants can interfere with testing by blocking the allergic response. In order for us to give you accurate test results, please stop all prescription and over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants prior to your appointment.
- Please allow at least 1 hour for this appointment.
Day of appointment
- On the day of your appointment, please bring your insurance card, photo ID, a referral from your primary care doctor if necessary, and a list of all of your current medications, including creams and inhalers.
- If possible, please wear a short-sleeved shirt or low-backed tank top for easier access during testing.
- Allergy testing carries the risk of allergic reactions including anaphylaxis.
- If you are an adult, please DO NOT bring your children to testing appointments. It can be a very scary experience for your children. If you have to be sent to the emergency room, ambulances may not transfer your child with you. If that occurs and another guardian/relative cannot be contacted, we may have to notify authorities.
- If you are a parent, please try not to bring other children to your testing appointments. If they have to be sent to the emergency room, ambulances may not be able to transport additional children and you would have to follow in your vehicle.
Drug Challenge Appointment
Before your appointment
Stop all antihistamines one week before your appointment
Click here for a list of antihistamines to stop.
Antihistamines and decongestants can interfere with testing by blocking the allergic response. In order for us to give you accurate test results, please stop all prescription and over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants prior to your appointment.
- Please allow at least 3 hours for this appointment.
- Allergy challenges carry the risk of allergic reactions including anaphylaxis.
- If you are an adult, please DO NOT bring your children to testing appointments. It can be a very scary experience for your children. If you have to be sent to the emergency room, ambulances may not transfer your child with you. If that occurs and another guardian/relative cannot be contacted, we may have to notify authorities.
- If you are a parent accompanying your child to an appointment, please try not to bring other children to your testing appointments. If they have to be sent to the emergency room, ambulances may not be able to transport additional children and you would have to follow in your vehicle.
Food Challenge Appointment
Bring the suspect food with you to the office for testing so that we may conduct the challenge under medical supervision. We do not recommend conducting a food challenge at home unless specifically instructed to do so by our providers.
Before your appointment
Stop all antihistamines one week before your appointment.
Click here for a list of antihistamines to stop.
- Antihistamines and decongestants can interfere with testing by blocking the allergic response. In order for us to give you accurate test results, please stop all prescription and over-the-counter antihistamines and decongestants prior to your appointment.
- Allow 3 to 6 hours for this appointment to complete the testing.
- Plan to bring the food to be challenged in an unopened box or container. If you are testing a baked egg or baked milk recipe, please follow one of the recipes below, and bring the result into the office with you.
Food Challenge Recipes
- Allergy challenges carry the risk of allergic reactions including anaphylaxis.
- If you are an adult, please DO NOT bring your children to testing appointments. It can be a very scary experience for your children. If you have to be sent to the emergency room, ambulances may not transfer your child with you. If that occurs and another guardian/relative cannot be contacted, we may have to notify authorities
- If you are a parent accompanying your child with you, please try not to bring other children to your testing appointments. If they have to be sent to the emergency room, ambulances may not be able to transport additional children and you would have to follow in your vehicle
Reasons to reschedule testing or challenge appointments:
- Allergy testing and allergy challenges carry the risk of allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. If you are ill, this risk is increased. To minimize the possibility of adverse reactions to testing or challenges, please refer to this list.
- Wait! If you are experiencing allergy symptoms, asthma problems, or eczema problems on the day of your scheduled testing visit, we can still see you and treat those symptoms instead!